Website Updates

This week we are working to update parts of If you encounter any issues, please alert us by email or the live support chat window (bottom of the page). We expect to have new sections available late this week. We will be adding additional functionality to this site as well as an improved navigation structure. We look forward to serving more brands with our online print center. New items will be announced here as they are added. You’re welcome to join our mailing list below for updates on products in your industry.

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View previous campaigns.

Order in 3 Easy Steps

Step 1 – Select

After you log in, you’ll be presented with the online storefront that displays all available documents. Once you find the product you want to order, you click the button beneath its picture that says “Add to Cart” to get started ordering and/or customizing your document.

Step 2 – Customize

After you click the “Add to Cart” button, you’ll move to the customization screen. On the left panel, there are fill-in boxes for your contact information. If you don’t want a certain item on your document (e.g. you don’t have a cell phone number), just delete everything in that fill-in box and it will be removed from the document. Most templates are programmed to automatically fill in any gaps a removed item may cause. As you edit the fields, the preview picture on the right pane will update accordingly.

Once you’re satisfied, click the “Continue” button in the lower-right corner of the screen to move on to the preview. On the preview screen, you’ll want to check that all the information you entered is completely correct. Look carefully over all names, addresses, and phone numbers.

If you see a mistake you need to fix, it’s no problem. Just hit the “Back” button on the lower-right corner of the screen to return to the Customization. You can then fix the error and click “Continue” again return to the preview

If everything looks right, check the check-box in the lower left-corner of the screen that says “I have reviewed the proof and accept it. “ This says that you’re sure that everything is correct on your proof and it’s ready to print. The Printer Provider takes no responsibility for user submitted spelling errors and typos.

From here, you have two choices. If you have more documents to order and you’d like to keep shopping, click the button that says “Add to Cart”. This will send the document to your “shopping cart” (the icon on the top of the page) where it’ll wait for you until you’re ready. You’ll then return to the store front and you can select

Step 3 – Pay

When you’re all done, you’ll want to either click “Add to Cart and Checkout”, the “Shopping Cart” icon on the upper right corner of the screen, or the “View Cart” button on the home page. All of these will take you to your shopping cart page. The Shopping Cart page will show you all the documents you’re about to order.

By using the “Get Quote” button, you can see what your total will be without the shipping or tax. If you’d like to change it, you can adjust the quantities (number of items) using the drop-down list beside each item. If you adjust the quantities of your items after clicking “Get Quote” button you can click the “Get Quote” button again and it will update the price for the new quantities.

Once your ready to check-out, click the “Get a Quote” button. After you click the “Get a Quote” button, another button will appear just beneath it that says “Proceed to Checkout”. Click the “Proceed to Checkout” button.

The next screen you’ll see is the shipping details. Check that your shipping address information is correct and choose your shipping method from the drop-down list.

The next screen is the “Summary” screen which is an overview of all the relevant details about your order. Check one last time that all your information is correct.

After you’ve checked that box, click the button in the lower right corner that says “Place Your Order”. After you click this, it will take you to (a grey screen) where you can safely and securely enter your credit card information for the order.

After you enter your information at the page, click on the “Submit” button on the bottom of that page. It will return you to the Print Summary Screen with this message on the top of the screen: “Thank you for the order. Verify the status of your order in Track Jobs. For your convenience, it is recommended to print out this page.”

You can click on the blue “print” link to print out a receipt of the transaction for your records. You should also receive a confirmation e-mail about your order to the e-mail address associated with your account which you can define in your “Manage Account” tab. Your order is now complete.

When to Use Doorhangers

Now that spring has arrived, much of the country is thawing from a winter freeze. With the thaw comes greener grass and blooming trees. At least that’s what you want for your customers. This is the time to remind your them of your services. They may not need or want to sign a maintenance contract just yet, but having your information handy when they are ready will help them remember who to call. Full color doorhangers featuring mature lawns and happy people can evoke warm feelings of tranquility, fun, and family. This is part of what you promise your customers…a nice lawn to enjoy all summer.

It’s best to know where to start your first doorhanger campaign of the season before you begin. If you already have a mature customer list, complete with past purchasing data, you are almost ready to start. Use your customer list to determine your top customers by contract price, number of active years with your service, etc. Once you have your list of top customers, decide which block is most important to your business and get started in that area. You can pick a block or two or the whole neighborhood if you like.

Our professionally designed doorhangers, post cards, and post card mailings can help your company gain valuable visibility in your area without the cost of custom graphic design services. Your contact information will be printed on every doorhanger. You may even fill in an offer or other promotion. Some designs have plenty of space to list your most popular services. We look forward to helping you effusively market your lawn care business this spring!

Why Choose a Postcard?

Postcards are an affordable marketing tool with a distinct advantage. Unlike letters or brochures in envelopes which can get thrown out before even being opened, a viewer will see the message on a postcard right away. Service studies have shown that, on average, only 14 percent of letters get read, but postcards have a 94 percent read through rate. And you won’t have to pay for envelopes and the added cost of folding, inserting, and sealing!

Postcards can also be a highly targeted form of marketing. When you develop a list of prospects to send your postcard to, you can narrow down the recipients based on qualities as general as age, sex, and profession or as specific as buying habits, disposable income, or the type of vehicle they drive. If you can describe who your ideal customers are, you can send mail directly to them!

Another good reason to choose postcards over other options is protection from the prying eyes of your competitors. If you advertise in a trade magazine or the newspaper, there’s a chance they may see your ad and launch a counter attack. Keep them in the dark by choosing direct mail instead.

If you’re interested in sending out some postcards for your business, Print This Now is a full-service direct mailer. We offer several pre-made designs as well as custom designs. We can also help you develop a targeted mailing list.

Plus, we’ll handle the whole mailing process for you. We process your list with our specialized software so we are able to reduce your postage costs. Since we save the Postal Service time and effort by presorting, they’ll reward you with big discounts in postage. And your mail will be delivered faster since it’ll bypass several handling steps inside the postal system.

With Print This Now, you get it full service mailing packages plus faster mail delivery and postage savings. Just call us at 1-866-770-4675 to get started!

Green Industry Materials

We’re proud to present latest products for the lawn care industry (aka “green industry”). These items are invaluable marketing resources for landscapers, lawn care service providers, and anyone who works in the green industry.

TTU Printing

Our Texas Tech University stationary is easily customizable online. We currently have available: Business Cards, Letterhead, Envelopes, and Notepads.

Each of these items can be proofed instantly online. Pay by purchase order or credit card.